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Nutrition and Supplements in Northeast Colorado Springs

Importance of Nutrition and Supplements for your Health

Supplements on tableAchieving Homeostasis within the body requires balance of the emotional, chemical and physical forces on our bodies. Nutrition and Supplements greatly affects the physiological pathways that run and manage the systems of our bodies.

These systems include the immune system, digestive system and endocrine system just to name a few. As part of your program at Caplan Chiropractic, we will assess your nutritional needs based on current dietary habits, a thorough evaluation of your history, and in many cases, blood chemistries. Our goal is to restore optimal function and homeostasis.

A Customized Plan

Dr. Michelle will design a nutrition and supplements program specific to your needs. We may recommend that you incorporate diet and lifestyle changes and that you purchase nutritional supplements. These supplements may include specific vitamins, minerals, herbs, natural plant-based hormones, and various other products.

All of the supplements we recommend are sourced from nutrition companies that only sell their products to physicians. These are the highest quality products available. They contain only the purest pharmaceutical grade nutrients (nutraceuticals) and the potency of each product is guaranteed. You may purchase most of your products directly from our clinic. In so doing, you can be assured of consistent results.

Complimentary Consultations

If you’re curious about what we may be able to do for you, we encourage you to get in touch. Contact Caplan Chiropractic to find out more information on how our nutritional plans can help you achieve your health goals! Contact us today and have a member of our friendly team schedule you for a free consultation!


Nutrition & Supplements Northeast Colorado Springs CO | (719) 357-6064